Our Team

Led By Dr. Bianca Busch, The College Psychiatrist Is On A Mission To Change The Game In College Mental Healthcare. TCP Stands Out For Its Deep, Personal, And Holistic Approach In A World Where Quick Fixes And Cookie-Cutter Solutions Often Dominate.

We understand that your mental health journey is unique and doesn’t fit into neat boxes. That’s why we’re here to offer comprehensive support beyond the ordinary. We believe in long-lasting connections and the power of involving your family when it matters most. We know that real change comes from real connections.

Meet Our Doctors

Care That Meets You Where You Are

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New York

Hi, I’m Dr. Bianca Busch. They call me The College Psychiatrist. I remember those tough days when I was at a crossroads. I knew my path to education was critical to my success. I knew I wanted to reach the finish line and make positive memories along the way. But that was easier said than done.

The truth is, I struggled. At times, I was at a loss, and I didn’t know what my next move would be. I felt the eyes and pressure of the world. Much like how you might be feeling. I pushed on with the support of my community and did everything in my power to restore the losses I accumulated in college, but these things always have a way of catching up with you. Even in medical school, my mental struggle continued.

I almost quit after failing a neurology exam. A mentor was suspicious that I had a learning difference, so I underwent neuropsychological testing. The test revealed I have a slower processing speed and shorter attention span. Wow! Had I known this in college I could have better prepared a way to overcome this challenge. My outcome could have been so different.

That’s one of the reasons I am passionate about serving college students. This is a pivotal transitioning time in life. Everything is new and you are learning so much but at the same time there is too much going on and so many decisions to make. The pressure can be intense. Having professional support can be just the thing to help.

I am honored my patients trust and choose me to be that support. I promise to make it my mission to help in every way possible.

Always In Your Corner,

Dr. Bianca Busch

We Are Here For You!